Jesus Christ: the name above every name

I think there is no name more popular and known than this one. In one way or another, you have certainly already heard of the person of Jesus. Some consider Him the Savior of humanity, and others, as a biblical character. For several decades, He has been the subject of many controversies, but one thing is certain, we cannot deny His existence. Now who is right? Who is wrong? I leave it to the precious Holy Spirit to convince your heart.

Who is Jesus Christ?
Usually, a person is introduced to us either based on what is said about them (what we have heard) or based on what we know about them (what we have experienced). It is important that you no longer limit yourself to just hearing what you have been told about the person of Jesus Christ and that you begin to know this person that He is, by having a life with Him and in Him. Jesus Christ is not a baby or a man who died several years ago, He is God. He has been given the name above every name to which every knee bows, in heaven and on earth and under the earth (Philippians 2:10). “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Jesus Christ is Love personified, He is Emmanuel (God among us), He is the Alpha and Omega (the beginning and the end), He is the only mediator through whom we can access God, He is our advocate with the Father, He is the Righteous Judge, He is our Lord and Savior. Without Him, there is no Eternal Life, because He is the only key capable of bringing us into the Kingdom of God.

Jesus Christ and sin?
As I have said before, we are not saved because we are more or less good: "Alicia, you know, I live my life in such a way that I avoid as much as possible what is bad, I do more good than evil."; how humble and sincere this phrase that I have heard many times can seem, and it surely is. But tell me, if you were asked to choose between walking a very long distance and taking a free car that would leave you at your destination, what would you choose? I think I can say that you would choose to take the car, unless you like suffering or walking. Imagine then that it is the same with sin and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is that car that will prevent you from wasting time walking and fighting with sin all alone.
The first option we have and usually choose is to struggle with the sin of ourselves, and when we have hopelessly failed, we come out with this magic phrase, which is not necessarily wrong: "Nobody is perfect." But the problem is that we are concerned with the form and not the substance. It is as if you cut the leaves from a tree and hoped that they would never grow again without having uprooted the tree in question. You look at the sin act without worrying about the source sin. However, as long as the source is not destroyed, the act will always occur.
When the Bible says that Jesus Christ died for our sins, it is not the act itself, but rather the source. As you know, man sinned and was cast out of the Garden of Eden, from that moment on, sin spread from generation to generation (Romans 5:14), and man found himself imprisoned in his flesh, torn between good and evil: “For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: but I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?…” (Romans 7:23-24).
The sin in question here is not the act, but the nature in you that drives you to sin. If you plant a mango tree, it will give you mangoes and not oranges. If you uproot the mango tree and sow oranges instead, you will have oranges this time. Sin as a nature is therefore like a tree that produces sins. Man is like this earth on which we must uproot the seed of sin that leads to death, to sow the seed of the Spirit in Jesus Christ that leads to Eternal Life. We cannot claim to be good, no matter how many good works we do, if sin (as a nature/seed) lives in our members. Paul therefore cries out: “WHO WILL DELIVER ME FROM THE BODY OF THIS DEATH?” This is where our Savior comes in, this is where Jesus Christ comes in.

Jesus Christ our Savior.
Romans 5:15 “For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one man many will be made righteous.”
Acts 4:12 “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
Jesus Christ is the only means by which the world is justified and transformed (Romans 5:15;18). We face so many scourges in our current societies and we are often shocked and affected by the seriousness and perversion of Man's actions. The world is going from bad to worse. Certain events produce in us anger, sadness, and even hatred, which is quite human, but is this the solution? Do not look at the actions, but at the root. Jesus Christ is the only one who has conquered sin, how could we want to take Him out of the equation of changing the world?
“But Alicia, how does this process you are talking about work?”
This is where I invite you to read the article on the New Birth. It is very important, please take the time to read it.
Jesus Christ reconciles us with God.
Beyond seeing Jesus Christ as our Savior, I would like you to also see Him as proof of God's Love for humanity, proof of God's Love for you. God looked at you and said, "I can't let him/her fight alone, I will send him/her My Son." Do not refuse this wonderful gift that is Jesus Christ. He is THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE. No matter your nationality and beliefs, you cannot overcome sin without Jesus Christ, you need Him, I need Him, we need Him, humanity needs Him; He is the only solution that God in His Love has given us.