One day, one hour, one story

Events unfold one after another, the words have started their timer. The routine has resumed its course, everything seems normal. One foot in front of the other, everyone goes about their business. No one expects what is about to happen. How will the story end? What mark will it leave on memories? 
Behold, the day is coming, the day is coming when everything stops, when nothing matters anymore. Who was right, who was wrong? That is no longer the question. He has gone and with Him He took His chosen ones. Behind Him, fear, anger, sadness, despair. What once gladdened the hearts of many is now of no value. Regret sets in, depression follows. "Why did I not listen to Him?": the most asked question of that dark day. Those who once suffered insults, persecutions because of His name are now no longer there. The story that once had no meaning, now takes its place in the consciousness of those who refuted it. 

Emotions are mixed: some wish they had never seen the light of day, while others regret having turned away so close to the goal. Another majority hardens their hearts even deeper. Each second that passes seems like an eternity. The world is plunged into a terror like it has never known before. The strongest will suffer hoping to catch the crown of glory, and the weakest will let themselves be enslaved by the evil one. 

“If only I knew,” some sigh. Their faces covered in tears, they stare at the sky, waiting for a sign, hoping that it was all just a nightmare. But reality catches up with them: it is all true. The Savior of humanity had just fulfilled the long-awaited prophecy. If only it were possible to go back, to make better choices, to make better decisions… 
If you are reading these few words today, it is because God does not want you to be one of those who will cry that day, regretting not having listened, having turned a deaf ear. The time is coming and it has already come when the Lord will take His chosen ones. My prayer is that you will be one of them. Redeem the time and seek the Lord while He still lets Himself be found. 

Matthew 24:37-39 “As in the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. For in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and they knew it not until the flood came and took them all away. So shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.” 
Matthew 24:44 “Therefore be you also ready: for in such an hour as you think not the Son of Man cometh.”